
PBA庆祝女性历史月: Honoring Community Leaders and Investing in the Next Generation



Six Female Students Receive 奖学金 to Pursue their 学术 Dreams; Two Students Receive Inaugural Humanitarian Award


今年是妇女历史月, 十大赌博网站 proudly celebrates the 2024 Women of Distinction honorees Denise 汉利 and Sheila 溜冰者 for their unwavering dedication to serving the Palm Beaches. Both women have been lifelong friends of PBA and integral members of the Women of Distinction committee.

弗朗西丝·费舍尔主持, the 32nd luncheon held at the Breakers Palm Beach maintained its noble fundraising mission to support scholarships for academically distinguished female students—a testament to the university’s commitment to empowering the next generation of women leaders. 当我们回顾女性在历史上所取得的进步, 这一事件是鼓舞人心的灯塔, 尊重过去,培育未来. 妇女杰出人道主义奖的揭幕仪式, 送给克莱尔和安娜·普雷特钦斯基夫妇, 是一个暖心的亮点吗, showcasing the profound humanitarian spirit that continues to shape our world.

More than 350 women gat在这里d in the Venetian Ballroom for the sold-out event. Since 1996, a total of 68 female students at PBA have received Women of Distinction 奖学金. This year, the six recipients represent four states and six majors.

获奖者是阿比盖尔·迪亚兹, 沃斯湖大学的新生, Florida studying communication; Lydia Ducanis, 大卫大学的大三学生, Florida studying finance; Margaret Myskowski, 苏利文大学的大三学生, Missouri studying nursing; Darah Oniwa, 塔尔萨的新生, Oklahoma studying chemistry; Emie Santos, 伯根菲尔德的大三学生, 在新泽西学习法律预科和娘唐, 沃斯湖大学的大四学生, 佛罗里达学习心理学.

今年的午宴还包括就职典礼的介绍 杰出女性人道主义奖 克莱尔和安娜·普雷特钦斯基夫妇. 这两个PBA学生成了 临时照顾者 去年给了一个非言语, autistic 22-year-old Israeli girl whose family was affected by the Middle East Crisis.

After the welcome remarks, invocation, and award, both honorees gave their remarks.


Denise 汉利, an accomplished figure in real estate, first moved to Palm Beach in 1958. She would earn her master’s in Guidance and Counseling and marry her high school sweetheart, 丹汉利, who she is still excited to see whenever he walks into a room after 53 years of marriage. 她的孩子和孙子们也一直是她快乐的源泉.

她还热衷于一些事业, 这让她帮助了救世军这样的组织, 儿童和成人康复中心, 汉利基金会, 和佩吉·亚当斯动物救援联盟.

 Her generous nature came from her family and was instilled in her and her three siblings, 因为阿尔茨海默病而不幸去世的人, 哈尼真心希望这个病能尽快治愈.

“对上帝的信仰, 家庭之爱, and allegiance to our country are traditions that have been handed down for generations in the Anderson-汉利 Family,“夫人. 汉利 said as she addressed the audience who gat在这里d to celebrate her and Sheila 溜冰者.

She thanked her family and friends for their encouragement and support, 说她得感谢他们.

汉利 is a self-proclaimed cheerleader of PBA and praises everything from the business school to the choir performances to the cafeteria. She encouraged guests at the Luncheon to schedule a tour to learn more about the beautiful campus. 汉利 is grateful for the lengths the school goes to provide the best for their student’s academic and spiritual journeys.

“T在这里 are so many opportunities for our leaders of tomorrow in our own backyard,” 汉利 said.

汉利, 作为坚定的基督信徒, 感谢PBA的设立, 在一个不确定的世界里,哪个能坚持自己的价值观, and reminded the audience of the two great commandments in scripture, which is to love God with everything within us and our neighbors as ourselves.


Sheila 溜冰者 is also very open about supporting the Christlike community at PBA. 像维拉·丽·林克大厅这样的设施, 马歇尔和维拉·利亚·林克体育校园, and the John and Sheila 溜冰者 Athletic Complex are the generous contributions of the Marshall and Vera Lea 溜冰者 Foundation. Her newest project with the school, her husband of 42 years, John J. 溜冰者, and the foundation will be the new Marshall and Vera Lea 溜冰者 Business Hall, which will give students the environment and resources they need to thrive.

林克多年来一直支持许多慈善机构, 包括十大赌博网站康复中心, 城市青年影响, H.O.W. (Hearing the Ovarian Cancer Whisper), Opportunity, Inc, and the YWCA. She is also the benefactor of a police force in a small Floridian town, supporting officers to fulfill their duties and ensuring their safety.

When her kids were more independent, she took up golf and excelled at the sport. 然而, she noticed her life was lacking purpose and joined the Palm Beach Habilitation Center, which helps adults with mental and physical disabilities achieve employment.

“I am truly thankful that I was a part of this organization because it gave me peace, 它给了我快乐,林克说.

溜冰者 has always been impressed with the musical talent of PBA students and wanted to help make the program better to attract more students. In 2002, she and her husband accomplished this goal with the Vera 溜冰者 Hall dedicated to the College of the Arts.

“We decided if we could ever do anything about it… If we were ever in a position to improve it, 我们会,林克说.

溜冰者 is passionate about continuing her support for the school so she can “touch the future” and has encouraged audience members to consider ways they can also make a lasting impact on the world and the next generation.

Learn more about how you can support Women of Distinction and other scholarships at PBA 在这里.

